Tagbilaran holds workshop on Strengthening Intergovernmental Coordination

COORDINATION.  Photo shows Mayor Jane Yap standing on the podium, delivering a powerful message of support and gratitude to all the partners in progress who have contributed to shaping Tagbilaran City’s development. She emphasized the crucial roles of national government agencies and civil society organizations in driving the city’s overall progress. The event took place on August 28, 2024 during the workshop on Strengthening Intergovernmental Coordination held at the Metro Centre Hotel.

TO STRENGTHEN the collaboration between local government units and national government agencies, a workshop on “Streamlining Intergovernmental Relations for Good Governance” was held on August 28, 2024, at MetroCentre Hotel in Tagbilaran City.

Organized by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Cities for Enhanced Governance and Engagement (CHANGE) Project, in partnership with the Tagbilaran City People’s Council, the event brought together department heads from the city government, leaders from various national government agencies and stakeholders.

Participants engaged in discussions aimed at developing a unified strategy to streamline and facilitate inter-local relations, creating more efficient mechanisms for collaboration that could lead to improved governance and public service delivery.

Dr. Rosalinda Paredes, City Governance Coordinator of the USAID CHANGE Project, spearheaded the event, guiding discussions and encouraging active participation. They underscored the importance of strong partnerships between government entities at all levels to ensure effective governance.

The workshop is part of the inaugural Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) Empowerment Week 2024, which runs from August 27 to August 30, 2024. Themed “Celebrating Partnership: Advancing People’s Participation in Governance for a Stronger, More Resilient People’s Council,” the week-long event aims to highlight the vital role of civil society in promoting transparency, accountability, and citizen participation in governance.

Mayor Jane Yap, in her message delivered at the event, expressed her strong support for the workshop’s objectives. “Tagbilaran City is committed to fostering strong partnerships with both local and national agencies to create a governance system that is not only efficient but also transparent and accountable,” said Mayor Yap.

“Our collaboration with the USAID CHANGE Project and the Tagbilaran City People’s Council reflects our dedication to continuous improvement in our governance practices. By strengthening intergovernmental relations and encouraging active citizen participation, we are building a more resilient and responsive government that truly serves the needs of our community.”

The workshop and the wider CSO Empowerment Week reflect Tagbilaran City’s ongoing commitment to fostering inclusive governance and enhancing the role of civil society in local decision-making. By strengthening intergovernmental relations and promoting active citizen participation, Tagbilaran City is paving the way for a more transparent, accountable, and resilient governance model.