TODAY, September 1, is the first among of the BER months of the year.

To Short Cuts, it is believed that this is the beginning of the happy months of every year.

September, October, November, and December are undisputedly the happy months of every year.

No one can deny this.

For who could resist the feeling of joy and happiness in the forthcoming celebration of the  birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ?

In fact, it is further believed that almost all religions in the entire universe celebrate Christmas. Even the poorest among the poor in society who could even hardly prepare and enjoy their daily needs heartily prays for the celebration of this very rare occasion.

And, how much more to the affluents!

One hundred sixteen days from today, everyone – whether rich or poor –  is expected to enjoy and heartily imbibe the true spirit of Christmas.

It is a fact that Christmas Day this year is to be celebrated on Wednesday, December 25, 2024.

So, why not prepare for this celebration?

Short Cuts honestly believes that everyone is expected to do his share in welcoming this event.

Or, are there sons and daughters of Christ who still wish not to prepare for this very memorable date? Or, are there still many who do not recognize Him as Life itself? If, in the affirmative, it is very lamentable to underscore the fact that without Him, these concerned people could have not existed these days among the living.

As everyone prepares for this momentous celebration on the birth of Jesus Christ, the Savior, he must closely examine his inner self and diagnose his frailties, his weaknesses. Otherwise, he is  eternally condemned.

Heaven and eternal peace are God’s  prepared Gifts for one who is is always in accord with and faithful to Him!

To one and all, MERRY CHRISTMAS in advance!