AWARE of Short Cuts’ almost twenty years of good health even after reaching the mandatory retirement age of 65 years old, he called to a meeting yesterday all his political leaders in the province at his residence.

The affair was attended by almost one hundred individuals who had been with Short Cuts in his political exercise – provincial level –  since the early part of the 80s. It was on this precise year  when the New Local Government Code took effect and the first barangay election throughout the country was held.

Short Cuts was then a candidate on that barangay election that catapulted him to the position as the first ABC President of the province.

The main agendum of the meeting?

Whether to continue with the organization despite Short Cuts’ retirement from politics after the 2019 elections

After evaluating the various points raised by all the participants to the meeting, the body unanimously agreed to maintain  the group more of a civic organization. This time to focus on four (4) major agenda not only for the benefit of the members of the organization only but to the entire Boholanos, as a whole.   

The four major agenda?

No. 1. Good Governance. The group will support candidates in future elections who are known for their honesty and integrity even before getting elected to public office;

No. 2. Agri-Economic Development. The group desires to become good leaders in their respective communities in terms of agriculture. Members of the group are to grow vegetables; to raise fowls, turkeys, and ducks not only for household consumption but for business. All products of the members in this project are to be absorbed by group and for the latter to do the marketing;

No. 3. Technical and Skills Development. The body envisions the holding of NC 2 classes in the barangays. Instead of offering and holding ONLY of TESDA classes in organized schools, the same must also be held INSTEAD in the barangays throughout the province. TESDA Mobile classes must be encouraged if only to save students from board and lodging expenses in attending the courses;

And No. 4. Education for all. Getting educated must not only be the concern of  a limited few in the community. Neither should poverty play a major role in one’s ambition for education. Instead, poverty should be made as a basis for one to GO BEYOND.                        

Members of the group honestly believe that the Four Agenda are attainable.

With the help of the Heavenly Father, Short Cuts shares also the same.  

And, the group disbanded ever happy as before!