‘Financial Literacy’ Programs and Activities for Teachers, Parents and Students

FINANCIAL literacy is a must among teachers, parents, and students. There is a need to ensure that everyone has saved an amount for the “rainy season”. Managing one’s resources is very vital since these are our hard-earned money.

Financial literacy and financial management activities will ensure that DepEd personnel will not be tempted to be part of an investment scam. Sad realities with some of our teachers and DepEd personnel were victims of these scams.

SDO Bohol offered financial literacy programs to our newly hired teachers in their teacher induction programs and during the pre-retirement forum. Teachers and school administrators are also providing activities like these at the school and district levels: preparations of training designs and serve as training managers that will ensure 12 points in the promotion of master teacher position.

 Some of the initiatives offered by the schools relative to financial literary are conducting face-to-face and virtual activities to invest in financial education and establishing a personal financial plan. Some of those activities will help the learners to save regularly and spend wisely, build an emergency fund, manage debts, invest to grow financial resources, and protect one’s estate.

 Another initiative is through a video clip presentation on the effects of mismanagement of financial resources. It is also necessary that we will be able to have a real view of life’s reality with our choices in life. being financially unstable is just a part of our misdeeds and wrong choices in life. Spending money wisely is also a skill to develop and can be enhanced.

 Providing sharing sessions during activities will also be very beneficial in terms of financial literacy management, it is very important to share significant milestones in the effects of being financial literates and in managing resources.

Financial literacy is very important among teachers, staff, parents, and students. In this way, one will be free from debts and financial worries in life. There is an assurance that one will have no financial crisis – if financial ability will be properly adhered with.

As one of the schools’ stakeholders, it is necessary that one “walks the talk” this means that it is with great pride and honor to show to the community, that as a DepEd family member, there is a great opportunity to show the world that though sometimes, because of valid reasons one will experience financial crisis, but the important thing is one will be able to come up with activities and concepts to overcome the said crisis.