Party rules is the name of the game

NOW it can be revealed!

During the wake of Short Cuts’ youngest son, Short Cuts was always troubled with inquiries and comments coming from various die-hard friends and close allies in the field of politics.

Even inside the chapel of the Birhen sa Barangay at the BIT International College – Dao Campus where it is expected to be a solemn place for everyone to pray only, he was always troubled with almost the same inquiry.

In some instances, many go to the extent of giving advice to Short Cuts as to the course of action to be taken by him in case their desires and wishes are not granted.

Considering the grief, the sufferings that Short Cuts and his family experienced on that precise moment, he had to beg off and requested for some more days to pass within which to squarely deal on the matter.

And, their wishes and desires?

That the next vice-gubernatorial candidate in the 2025 local elections must come from the BALITE family!

Reasons advanced by Short Cuts’ friends and supporters?

No. 1 – The term of then Vice-Governor Dionisio Victor A. Balite was cut short caused by his untimely death. Therefore, a BALITE must finish the political term.

No. 2 – The then aspirant for governor in the person of Erico Aris Aumentado was earnestly requesting for Dionisio Victor’s candidacy as his running mate in the 2022 local elections to have an even fight against a very strong provincial incumbents – Art Yap as governor and Rene Relampagos as vice-governor.

To be true, Short Cuts was a major factor in Dionisio Victor’s vice-gubernatorial candidacy in the 2022 local elections. To Short Cuts’ recollection, there were three (3) meetings before a go-signal was given by Short Cuts to Dionisio Victor for the latter to run for vice-governor.

For, who could that person be with a strong heart to fight against an incumbent vice-governor (Rene Relampagos) who had been a three-termer board member, three-termer vice-governor, three-termer governor, and a three-termer congressman of the first Congressional District of Bohol?

Therefore, of the local opposition politicos requested by then candidate for governor, Aris Aumentado, to run with him as his vice-gubernatorial candidate to fight against the Yap – Relampagos tandem, not ONE ever dared to say YES.


And, according to the mouths of two (2) Board Members who visited Short Cuts and were discussing with him regarding another BALITE for vice-governor in the 2025 local elections, ”Angay gyud nga BALITE ang mo-vice-governor karong 2025. Kay sa ngitngit pa ang iyang kandidatura isip pagka governor, si BALITE ang iyang gipili pagka Bise-Gobernador.”

As usual, Short Cuts gave only his dimpled smile as his answer.

He is fully aware that on matters of the same nature, the local political party decides and NOT the persons concerned.

And, as a long time and retired party man, party RULES is the name of the game.