Inner Creativity

“EACH of us may not do great things, but all of us can do small things in a great way.”

We all know that something keeps our heart pumping, blood flowing, lung breathing, etc. all without conscious intent.  This is what we called subconscious, the mysterious, yet ever reliable that also houses the fullest potential of the mind, the human soul.  When we  can tap this inner realm, raise the subconscious intent to conscious awareness, we get in touch and utilize our inner creativity.

There are many ways to reach the inner creative potential.  First, we need to put our ego to rest temporarily.  Second, set aside our chattering personality.  By then, creative insight will surface, of which the veil of presumption and doubt is being lifted. And so the creative mind opens up and releases the gem of wisdom.

How to access our inner creativity? By meditation, self-awareness, soft focus and light hearted attitude.

Meditation is closing the eyes, still the searching mind and focus on one specific thought or enter complete stillness in the void (emptiness or unoccupied).  It calms the body, reduce blood pressure and enhance the immune system.

Self-awareness is watching one’s daily actions and thoughts in the present moment in a detached frame of mind.  This can help create the necessary gap between the ego and self.  As such, great clarity of mind unfolds.

Soft-focus, a way to stop the thinking process in an immediate and busy environment by allowing your eyes to focus on a neutral surface and be aware of everything around you without focusing on any one thing.  This will increase/enhance  your vision and sensitivity to the entire environment while your mind is calmed.

Light- Heartedness,  the attitude of seeing humor in everything.  Humor embellishes the absurd and unusual; the ability to perceive and appreciate what is amusing.

With a fluidity in mind, expressing with calm clarity becomes a habit, and creative mind will always be available and will remain a living presence in our lives.  This is why children are more creative than adults as they haven’t accepted or been molded yet  by a lot of conditioning patterns as caused by the complexities brought by the environment as we grew.  So let us allow ourselves to engender the wonder of a child.  Allow yourself to become detached from what you’ve always assumed as “real” even intellectual stimulation; for intellectual mindset is itself a conditioned response to life.

True creative people can view what they are doing and see sincerely the original and resolute answers to whatever questions they ask.  They don’t live on other people’s opinions nor they look outside for answers to difficult questions.

Hidden within the creative mind lies the answers waiting to be discovered beyond.