“The line is crossed”

IF plans do not miscarry, as my source relayed to me, there will be plenty of new appointments in the coming days.

Accordingly, a “political line” has been set, and there is no turning back, especially with the 2025 elections that is just around the corner. Either one belongs to the admin group or to the opposition group.

Yes, 2 groups na lang kuno, either admin or opposition.

And this is just like the politics of yesteryears when there was only 2 political parties of yore, one is either Nacionalista or Liberal, nothing in between.

Similar to the US where there are only 2 parties – the Democrats and the Republicans.

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To my mind, this literally confirms widespread rumors regarding the total breakup of the so-called Uniteam in the 2022 elections.

Nag-divorce na kuno ang uniteam kay dunay irreconcilable differences.

I already have several names for several cabinet positions, as provided by my source but to my mind, I’d rather play safe.

Huwat na lang ta sa formal announcement. And it will be soon.

Yes, as in.

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The latest revamp in the senate is still a hot topic.

After the tsismis about the abrupt and very surprising betrayal of senator Bato dela Rosa to turned balimbing from the Zubiri group to the Escudero group, another tsismis is going the rounds these days.

Duna na pod gitawag og “artista bloc” as one of the reasons for the revamp.

It is public knowledge that senator Bong Revilla is indisposed because of a foot injury. So he begged off from physically attending the senate session, mihangyo daw nga mag-online na lang.

But Zubiri turned down the request kuno because “rules are rules.”

The rejection of the request kuno triggered the sympathy votes of fellow artista like Ruben Padilla, Jinggoy Estrada and Lito Lapid who considered it inconsiderate and unreasonable kuno.

The 3 artista plus Revilla triggered the mudslide of 4 votes in favor of Chiz Escudero, leaving Migs Zubiri with the 7 loyalists.

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Whatever caused the revamp, nobody is saying.

All we hear are denials and “safe answers.”

Even the usually elaborate Cynthia Villar refused to provide a clear answer to the 64-dollar question when asked about the real cause of the revamp.

It is as if they have unilaterally agreed to be vague and generic about it. Klaro nga nagsabot silang tanan nga dili lang mosulti sa tinuod hinungdan.

But here are the common tsismis about the possible cause of the senate revamp.

Zubiri incurred the ire kuno of the majority senators because of an allegedly unfair bahin-bahin sa matod pa, “pork barrel” o development funds sa mga senador.

Another cause kuno is the refusal to stop the so-called PDEA leaks that involved a prominent politician.

Another one kuno is the reluctance to issue a warrant for Pastor Quiboloy, a known supporter and ally of PRRD.

Zubiri was also rumored to be against the cha-cha which the House is actively pushing.

Whatever, the fact remains that Zubiri failed to maintain his hold on the majority of the senators.

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The House of Representatives approved the Divorce Bill, thanks to Cong. Edsel Lagman who authored the bill.

It is now up to the senate to either pass or reject the bill.

But methinks the divorce bill will die a natural death in the senate. Yes, the divorce bill will suffer the same fate as the chacha bill.


Majority of the senators are against the 2 bills. Even Sen. Cynthia Villar said they will reject the chacha bill as majority are against it.

With the 12 senators running for reelection comes 2025, I seriously doubt they would want a rejection from the Roman Catholics all over the country for supporting the divorce bill. And I’m very sure the Catholic Bishops will spread around another pastoral letter, as they are now sharing similar messages on FB, urging the faithful not to support the bill.

Yes, let us reject the divorce bill.