Get rid way of arrogant politicians

A good leader should be the “role model” of a good conduct.

To be a leader needs enough patience for you to lead the people progressively and effectively.

The people you are serving have always complaints and grievances, and they will always make criticisms whether you are doing right or wrong.

The government is intended for the people. And you being chosen by the people, you have a big responsibility over them, just like they are part of your family.

You should embrace with the Tagalog saying, “Bayan muna bago ang sarili.”

It is indeed right if you have a heart for public service, you have to sacrifice your time even for your own family in the call of duty.

What is bitter to some if not most of our leaders, they are the ones you have to respect and obey their rules rather than respecting and obeying us.

Arrogant. This would be the exact term to those kind of leaders — acting like a monarch.

Street people oftentimes speak behind their back, “kuyaw og managhan”. And for that, decide now.

Do not let those people to have a position in the government. Do not be fooled by their words and promises. Get rid away of them! (Wilson Auguis Subrio)