WHICH road do you take right now, my dear readers? Are you sure you’re on the right track?
Many times, we compare our life with a path. We talk about “the way”. We describe a determined man as, “He’s on the right (or wrong?) track”. We go about our tracks, but we are reproved if we take a short-cut and not the path across a rice-field. We learn that there are many ways of solving problems.
We also don’t want to stand in other people’s way. Sometimes, we prefer to keep out of someone’s way and plan to avoid getting in their way. Often we try to find the golden middle course. Often, but not always. Sure, that’s life!
Many different ways have been offered to us during our whole life. How can we be able to choose the right and correct one? Which signs can be trusted blindly? These are urgent and vital questions for all of us, and, especially during this time, very important like never before.
In the past, traditions and customs are the paths we took. Nowadays, we make decisions and long for the correct path – mostly on our own. Are traditions and customs still important for us?
The German atom-physician Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976) described it very impressively. The man of today is like a ship’s captain. This ship is made out of iron. The compass needle is no longer able to show the Northern direction, as expected, because of the ship’s iron inflexible body. You have one choice only: look up to the stars and study their guiding support!”
We’re all happy and proud, when we have every need at our disposal. On the other hand, it only confuses our aims, goals, and objectives in life.
“I am the way” is NOT ONLY a traffic sign – or a shepherd without responsibility – or a religious founder, who thinks, that “only he is the right way, if one follows him”.
HIS way is the only right way. Only His deeds colored our fates. Let’s keep our eyes open for the important signs on our way. Think about an unselfish participation in the life of others!
Do you show courage to uncover prejudice in your surroundings? Are you ready to help the unprotected and defenseless? Where is your struggle for freedom and justice as well as your commitment for peace?
Most of all: Show and exercise love, which does not calculate and count. Love without measurements, boundaries and limits!
If you can share with others, you’ll know one day in future, that someone walked this way – earlier than you – and FOR YOU!
Email: doringklaus@gmail.com or follow me on Facebook, Linkedin or Twitter or visit www.germanexpatinthephilippines.blogspot.com or www.klausdoringsclassicalmusic.blogspot.com.