FRIDAY, May 10, 2023 is Short Cuts’ most memorable day for this month of May.
It was not only the first day of the three-day 7th Grand Alumni Homecoming of graduates of the Valencia Technical Vocational High School (Formerly, the Valencia High School). As the opening day of the affair, hundreds of alumni already gathered around the school campus even an hour before the scheduled start of the event.
Short Cuts was also an “early bird” to the affair. His early reporting to the affair was with a purpose.
Because of the passing of time from the year he graduated high school, he could never imagine the possibilities of meeting his former classmates that graduated with him in 1958 – some 66 years ago. If memory does not fail Short Cuts, he graduated from his secondary course with thirty-seven others.
Of the thirty-eight (38) graduates, Short Cuts could no longer remember the number of male and female classmates. What he could only remember is the total number of graduates.
And, of the thirty-eight (38) graduates how many appeared to attend the affair?
ONLY three (3) graced the occasion!
Reasons? These maybe VALID or NOT.
Many have already been called to the Great Beyond.
And, who were the three that attended the event?
First, was our valedictorian in the class, second was Short Cuts’ most trusted friend and kumpadre, and Short Cuts was the third.
But during our huddle in the midst of the program, we got reliable information that out of the original 38 graduates, there are still seven (7) of them who are still enjoying life. However, four (4) of them skipped the affair.
Back to the affair . . . .
Before the program proper began, a motorcade was held that started at the sports oval of the school. Then it proceeded to the heart of LGU Dimiao and went as far as LGU Garcia – Hernandez and back to the school.
It was a very interesting show that witnessed almost three (300) vehicles that participated in the motorcade.
It was in the middle of the program proper that Short Cuts’ memory of the past came rushing back to him. He lost his attention to the progress of the program. He was reminded of his past when he was scheduled to take the Final Examinations before his graduation in March of 1958.
He was refused to take the Final Examinations!
Reason or reasons?
Dionisio D. Balite was not able to pay his tuition and enrolment fees for the school year.
“Unsaon man nimo pag eksamin nga so-ud sa tibouk tuig wa-a man ka makabayad sa imong tuition?”, shouted the principal.
Short Cuts’ ONLY answer to the situation was his tears. He sobbed while pleading for help from the school principal to take the last examination.
And, maybe touched by Short Cuts tears and constant pleadings, the school principal ultimately gave in, but with the warning that Short Cuts will not be allowed to participate in the Graduation Ceremony not until his fees are not totally paid.
Short Cuts was allowed to graduate.
He graduated Salutatorian!
And, the rest is history!