Psychological First Aid (PFA) Activities in SDO Bohol

TEAM building in the workplace is the process of creating a team that cohesively works together towards a common goal and its importance and main purpose is through forming bonds and connections. Creating these bonds through team building is very beneficial to businesses and organizations, the benefits of these namely: increased communication, planning skills, employee motivation, and employee collaboration. Fun activities that would help people see each other in a different light allows them to connect in a different setting. People on your team are asked to think about the implications of these activities at their workplace.

Section 2 of the Republic Act No. 11036, otherwise known as the ‘Mental Health Law’ stipulates that the state affirms the fundamental right of all Filipinos to mental health and the fundamental rights of people requiring mental health services.

Bohol Schools Division Office (SDO) is committed to ensure a safe learning environment, provide psychosocial support to DepEd’s teaching and non-teaching personnel, showcase promising practices amidst the threat of CoVid-19 pandemic and ensure that GAD-related issues and concerns will be properly addressed with. To address this concern, this Office through the School Governance and Operations Division (SGDO) announces the conduct of the division-wide Neo Personality (PI) Assessment. This activity aims to provide specific interventions to those who are in need.     

Department of Education (DepEd) has been provided with mandates, goals and objectives that needed to be provided with collaborative effort from different individuals. There are times that SDO personnel feel that there is a need for time to release tensions, stress and be more motivated to provide basic services. Division Memo 255 series of 2020, encourages DepEd personnel who are at school level to attend or conduct team building activities. Thus, SDO Bohol personnel will also be provided with such activity to address issues, concerns and gaps.

SDO Bohol developed and provided Psychological First Aid (PFA) activities to District Gender and Development (GAD) Focal Persons and district personnel, it is expected that these personnel re-echo and will conduct orientation activities which are three batches to the district and school level.                                                                                       

This division-led activity aims to motivate personnel to work together, develop strengths of each personnel, address any weaknesses, encourage collaboration rather than competition and appreciate the value of working together to achieve common goals and targets as planned and mandated.

PFA Orientation was managed by SDO Bohol GAD Coordinator, Ma. Maya V. Tumalon PhD, MDM and facilitated by SDO Bohol DRRM Coordinator, Engr. Phillip Marcelo Vigonte also part of the orientation were with our SDO Bohol Registered Guidance Counselors Julie T. Maestrado EdD, Sueden S. Lanje, Jaype B. Piquero PhD, Josie R. Letterman, Jimmy D. Bucar PhD, Zadel Teresa P. Boncales PhD, Mildred T. Ladera PhD, Loida S. Posadas, Ethel A. Salamaña, Glenn A. Kudemus, and Allen Mae D. Bitasolo.

The two-day PFA activity highlighted on how to conduct Psychological First Aid to our teachers and learners especially in the implementation of the Expanded Phase of the Face-to-Face Classes which starts on the fourth quarter of the School Year 2021-2022. These activities are of great help for our teachers and learners to debrief themselves from their experiences in both CoVid-19 Pandemic and Typhoon Odette.