IN line with the goal of delivering quality, rleevan, inclusive, and responsive basic education, the Department of Education (DepEd Curriculum and Teaching (CT) Strand, through the Buerau of Learning Delivery (BLD), will conduct the 2024 National Festival of Talents (NFOT), with the theme. “Galing, Talino, at Husay ng mga Batang Makabansa, sa Diwa ng MATATAG na Adhikain in Region VII, Central Visayas, on July 9-12, 2024. (DepEd Memorandum No. 019, s. 2024).

The said activity considered as bottoms-up-approach started the selection at the school level, district level, congressional level, provincial level, and regional level, where the lucky ones will be the regional representatives for the National Festival of Talents. The selection involves learners from elementary to high school levels.
There were eight “talents” to be considered in the selection of the representatives: Technolympics (for Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE, Technical-Vocational Education (TVE), and Technical-Vocational Livelihood (TVL)); Sining Tanghalan (for Music and Arts); Population Development (for Social Studies (Araling Panlipunan)); Read-A-Thon (for English and Filipino); Lingo Stars, (for Special Program in Foreign Language (SPFL)); Musabaqah (for Madrasah Education Program (MEP), SNED Expo (for Special Needs Education, and STEMazing (for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics).

Filipino Education Program Supervisor, Wilfreda O Flor PhD took the lead in the Read-A-thon categories.
The three congressional districts held the CD-level Festival of Talents. Congressional District was hosted by Trinidad Districts, with the leadership of Trinidad District 1 PSDS Edilberto B. Avenido PhD, and Trinidad District II PSDS Amelita C. Credo PhD, on Friday, March 15, 2024. The CD 2 hosting was supported by the Local Government Unit, where the Municipal Mayor, Atty Roberto Cajes PhD, expressed his inspirational message for the contestants, coaches, technical working group members, working committee members, and teaching and non-teaching related personnel.
Ubay District 2 participated in different contest categories, with the support of the parents, school heads, internal, and external stakeholders. From a reliable source, one of the district representatives won first place in one of the categories.

Participating in the said curricular and co-curricular activities will surely enhance learners’ knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values. For the coaches and other DepEd personnel participating will provide avenues to meet former colleagues, friends, and other acquiantances.