Jagna Comelec registrar, provl fiscal relieved


THE municipal election registrar Atty. Sofronio Madrona of Jagna town has been relieved of his post, Provincial election supervisor Atty. Eddie Aba confirmed this to a radio interview.

Madrona’s relief stemmed from the fact that his wife, Imelda Madrona is seeking for reelection for punong barangay in the coastal village of Bunga Mar.

Madrona will be assigned at the provincial Comelec office and replaced by his assistant Lilia Tan, who has been in the job for a while, Aba said.

Madrona’s transfer is effective October 19, 2023, the official start of the campaign for candidates running for barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan elections (BSKE) on October 30, 2023.

This Madrona confirmed in an interview, saying that it’s the policy of Comelec to transfer its personnel when relatives are running for elective posts to avoid conflict of interest.

Another transfer or relief of an official is being sought of the same town.

Jagna Mayor Joseph has requested Aba for the relief of Provincial Assistant Prosecutor Luz Zamoras Virtudazo, who has been a member of the Municipal Committee on KontraBigay campaign in connection with the BSKE.

“It is of public record that the sister of Prosecutor Virtudazo, Ms. Delmar Balios Zamoras is running for punong barangay of Faraon, Jagna, Bohol this coming Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections,” the mayor said.

The mayor stressed that Vitudazo be replaced as member of the said committee “to prevent any possible thought of conflict of interest among the populace of Jagna during the BSKE.

The mayor in his letter received October 5, 2023 suggested and indorsed Atty. Gaynor Aviles, “a lawyer of probity and an exemplary Jagnaanon” as replacement of Virtudazo.

Aba explained that Virtudazo is automatic member of the said committee by operation of the law.

But, for delicadesa’s sake and to dispel any doubt on Virtudazo’s committee membership, he will bring this up to the provincial fiscal’s office.

Aba, in his letter to Provincial Prosecutor Nilo G. Ahat, said that a complaint was filed against Virtudazo. “The basis of the said complaint is grounded on her relationship as the sister of Mrs. Delmar Balios Zamoras, a candidate for the position of Punong Barangay in barangay Faraon, Jagna.”

Aba requested the Provincial fiscal’s office to assign another provincial prosecutor in Jagna so that the “composition of the Committee on KontraBigay will not be tainted with even an iota of doubt as to its impartiality in the performance of its duties and responsibilities,” Aba said.

The said committee is composed of Madrona, Virtudazo, public schools district supervisor Antonio P. Buaya, police chief PMaj. Joseph Lopena and Ermita Acebes of the PPCRV. (rvo)