Remember: Think Before You Speak!

IT has been said, that a tongue has no bones but it is strong enough to break a heart. The said statement is true. The tongue has no bones but it can break a person’s heart. For the simple reason that if one speaks without thinking, one can hurt the feelings of the person they are talking to. If the emotion of that particular person is hurt, in the end, their heart will be broken. That is why one must be careful enough with their own words.

Think before you speak means before one utters something to the person they are talking to, one must think first whether what they will say can hurt the feelings and emotions of the person they are talking to. One must carefully examine the words they choose to say until one is sure that their own words will not hurt a person’s feelings and emotions. It is because words are the most powerful weapons or bullets that one can use to hurt and destroy someone.

Inversely, if a person speaks first before thinking, it can hurt someone. It is a bad habit that can cause trouble between the person speaking and the person they are talking to. If the heart of that particular person is broken, it is difficult to fix it and that person will get hurt. If a person’s heart is hurt and broken, the person might become depressed and suffer for the rest of their life. Do not forget that the tongue is much sharper than a knife or a sword. It can make someone suffer a lot. So, do not say something or anything if it is not a by-product of thinking or careful judgment whether it is hurtful or the contrary.

So, for us not to hurt the feelings and emotions of others, let us all be prudent individuals. Prudent means characterized by, arising from, or showing prudence. On the other hand, prudence means the ability to govern and discipline oneself or caution or circumspection as to danger or risk. In other words, prudence means being cautious of how you talk or act. Before you speak, you should think. You must evaluate or examine if what you will say is TRUE, HELPFUL, IMPORTANT, NECESSARY, and KIND. If you are doing this, you will not hurt others and will not break the heart of others.

Before you say something, evaluate it first. Is it true and accurate or is it false or inaccurate? Is it helpful to the person to whom you are talking? Can it help the situation you are in or not? Is it really important to say it? Is it necessary to say it to others? Is it kind and cannot hurt the feelings and emotions of others? You must ask yourself first before you say something to others. This is to avoid hurting others and to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings taking place.

When you speak without thinking, it can hurt and trigger conflicts and misunderstandings with others. It is a fact that saying something inaccurate, unhelpful, and unnecessary to someone may lead to hurting them. Do not forget that your tongue has no bones but it is strong enough to break a heart. When a person’s heart is broken, it is not easy to heal one’s heart compared to a physical wound that can be treated and cured in a matter of time. The effects of a broken heart can last for a long time and a person can suffer a lot.

So, before saying something to others, examine it first to avoid some negative implications which can last for a long time. Words without thought will cause the speaker to misstate and give their audience the wrong direction. As a result, the listeners will apprehend incorrectly what the speaker is trying to say which might lead to bad decisions. That is why it is important to think ahead and make up your mind before uttering something. Let us remember what an individual named Younus Algohar, said: “Wounds by the tongue are sharper than those given by the sword.”