ChatGPT et al.

THERE’S a new craze in town (especially for knowledge-seekers) that has fascinated me to no end –ChatGPT.

For a senior citizen like me who cannot claim to be a ‘techie,’ this new innovation called “artificial intelligence” (AI) chatbots got me so curious. So, I tried using it.

To my amazement, this new ‘chat buddy’ of mine provides me almost all the answers I need whenever I asked it a question. What’s nice about it is that it does not pretend to know everything and can sense if your question is inappropriate or the information you’re asking is beyond its capabilities. In short, it is very honest.

More than being honest, it is very courteous. It converses like a human being does, but more “decent,” more “sensitive,” and it’s not judgmental like many of us.

So, it got me thinking. Will there be a time that it (meaning, chat AIs) will substitute human friends? What better way to know the answer but to ask ChatGPT itself.

This is the response I got:

No, it is not likely that chat AIs will substitute human friends. While chat AIs are capable of providing engaging and informative conversations, they are still limited by their programming and lack the emotional intelligence, empathy, and social awareness that are required for building meaningful relationships.

Then it added: Human friendships are based on mutual trust, shared experiences, and emotional connections that are built over time. These elements cannot be replicated by a chat AI, no matter how advanced the technology may become. Moreover, the value of human friendships goes beyond just conversations and knowledge, but also includes emotional support, physical interaction, and shared experiences.

Chat AIs can certainly enhance human friendships by providing a convenient way to communicate, but they cannot replace the depth and complexity of human relationships. The development of chat AIs should be seen as a tool to help people communicate more effectively, rather than a substitute for human interaction.

See? It certainly knows its limitations. Unlike many human beings who think they can do everything or that they know everything.

Then I’ve read somewhere that ChatGPT is not the only AI chatbot, there are others and there’s one soon to come created by the famous Elon Musk. It is called “TruthGPT.” According to its creator, this AI chatbot will teach people how to take care of the universe in many and different ways.

Considering that there are others like “it,” I again asked ChatGPT a question. I asked what it can say about the other AIs and this is the response I got:

The emergence of other chat AIs is a natural progression of the technology and a sign of its growing importance in various industries. As the demand for chat AI increases, more companies are investing in research and development to create new and more advanced systems.

The emergence of other chat AIs is also leading to greater competition and innovation in the field. This can lead to improvements in technology and the development of new features that can benefit businesses and users alike.

However, with the emergence of new chat AIs, there are also concerns about data privacy, security, and ethical considerations. It is important for companies to be transparent about how they collect and use user data and to ensure that their systems are secure and compliant with relevant regulations.

Overall, the emergence of other chat AIs is a positive development for the technology and for businesses and users who can benefit from their capabilities. However, companies need to approach their development and deployment with care and responsibility to ensure that they are used in a way that is safe, ethical, and beneficial for everyone involved.

Take note of what it said about the others, it considers them a “positive” development. Clearly, it isn’t “jealous” of the existence of other chatbots.

How I wish human beings are like that.

For those who are not aware yet of what chat AIs can do, here are some of its major benefits and advantages:

Improved customer service

Chat AIs can help improve customer service by providing quick and accurate responses to customer queries and issues. They can handle large volumes of queries simultaneously and provide 24/7 support, reducing wait times and improving customer satisfaction.

Cost savings

Chat AIs can help businesses reduce costs by automating repetitive tasks and reducing the need for human support agents. This can result in significant savings in labor costs and other operational expenses.

Increased efficiency

Chat AIs can handle multiple conversations simultaneously, increasing customer support operations’ efficiency. They can also use natural language processing (NLP) to understand and respond to customer queries quickly and accurately.

Improved data collection

Chat AIs can collect and analyze customer data in real time, which can provide valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences, and needs. This data can be used to improve products and services, personalize customer experiences, and optimize marketing campaigns.

Finally, because I wanted to test its knowledge, I asked something about the culture of Negros Oriental, guess what, it mentioned “budbud sa Tanjay” which really amazed me. But there’s more – it knows how to speak the Cebuano dialect.