Bohol quarry ops earns P4.1-M in February 2023

THE quarry and sand/gravel operations in Bohol has generated a total P4,152,801.00 during the month of February this year, according to the Bohol Mineral Resources Office’s (BMINRO) records obtained by this paper.

Extraction tax totaled P3,925,000.00 during the month. Others included: environment tax, P60,000.00; fines, P48,400.00; verification fees, P45.000.00; and application fees, P24,000.00.

The task force under the said office has impounded 6 vehicles and verified 6 areas.

It issued a total of 55 permits: quarry, 40; sand and gravel permits, 14 and special permit, one.

Last month (January 2023), the operations earned similar amount, the office said. (rvo)

It will be recalled that Bohol provincial government has earned a gross income to the tune of P12,532,000.00 from quarry operations and sand/gravel extraction taxes during the six-month period (July-Dec. 2022) of Gov. Aris Aumentado’s administration.

The said earning is very much higher than the P3,927,000.00 collected from the same taxes during the period, January to June 2022, accomplishment report of the Bohol Mineral Resources Regulatory Office (BMinRO) dated December 28, 2022 showed.

This excludes the penalties in the amount of P276,850.00 for July-Dec. 2022, higher than the P35,950.00 earned during the Jan.-June 2022.

If totaled, the tax incomes (P3.9 million Jan-June 2022 and P12.5 million July-dec. 2022) from the said operations is amounted to P16,459,000.00.

The collections of said taxation from quarrying re as follow: July 2022, P1,891,000.00; August, P1,200,000.00; September, P2,618,000.00; October, P1,693,000.00; November, P3,120,000.00; and December 2,010,000.00.

Under the Local government Code of 1991, the barangay (where the quarry is located) gets a share of40%; municipality, 30% and the provincial government, 30% from said quarry tax collection. (rvo)