Performance-Based Commitment

IT has been said that learning is a continuous process. One needs through a lifetime, and it is not an easy task. In school, lessons first before taking the test, but in real life, test first before learning the lesson. There is a need for an individual member of an organization to understand the roles, functions, and responsibilities, and why they are part of a certain organization.

Training, lectures, seminars, and workshops are very essential to develop the competencies, capabilities, skills, attitudes, and values in the workplace. Enhancement of one’s knowledge and ability towards work and performance needs personal and professional considerations.

Development on the other hand is a clear manifestation that one is committed and competent enough to deliver the required basic services as part of a certain organization. In today’s government agencies and organizations, key result areas are clearly stated in the Revised Performance Management System (RPMS) in all government agencies and organizations.

The following concepts need to be considered in a performance-based rating in providing commitment in the workplace.

  • Data gathering procedure
  • Analysis of data
  • Provide answers to:
    • What went well
    • What needs improvement
    • If given the chance to do it again, how are you going to do it differently?
  • Set specific schedule
  • Identify items and indicators to be observed
  • Prepare activity design for funding purposed
  • Include a schedule and set of activities to be undertaken
  • Provide advocacy activities
  • Identify possible members (newly hired teachers)
  • Set orientation and membership orientation
  • Give membership fees and capital build-up funds
  • Set standards and criteria to be followed
  • Identify and set deadlines for the submission of identified awardees
  • Provision of rewards and incentives to acknowledge performing teachers and non-teaching personnel. (

With the above-mentioned concepts, there is an assurance that: Concerns, issues, problems, and gaps will be properly addressed through; the provision of timely technical assistance needed, coaching and mentoring activities; ensuring activities that will enhance self-esteem and rapport with colleagues; setting up financial literacy and assistance in times of need; and boost the moral and ego of those teachers and employees who are providing basic educational services to clienteles.

Motivated personnel is a result of personnel who are properly taken care of by their committed and competent superiors and supervisors.