What Makes a Guidance and Counseling Program Successful

GUIDANCE and Counseling programs are designed to address needs-based, data-driven, process-based, and participatory, supporting the holistic development of every Filipino child.  School counseling programs must be a student-centered, goal-oriented, and based on the needs and developmental students’ competencies of all students. Nurture the school community for students by advocating and promoting counseling programs that will contribute to a safe and healthy learning environment To ensure individual student success. Designed to foster student-to-counselor relationships wherein students are valued and guided in improving self-worth, academic progress, and social and emotional well-being.

The Guidance & Counseling Office is a support service of the school which aims to the holistic development of the students utilizing their fullest potential and contributing meaningfully to building the nation. To realize this vision, we commit ourselves to ensure all students will develop competencies in academic achievement, career planning and exploration, and personal/social development guided by the core values of the department of education. The process of counseling must include testing and assessment as essential elements. Numerous studies have shown that counselors in a range of situations view testing and assessment as crucial components of their professional practice. Nearly every part of modern society involves testing, including education, licensing, life planning, employment, promotions, decision-making, legal judgments, mental health, insurance, interventions, and many more areas.

Few other experiences in our life have as much of an impact on the opportunities, activities, and potentials for the future as testing and assessment. Regardless of the work setting, counselors must understand the various factors that give them the skills and confidence to use testing and assessment in the most expert, reliable, helpful, ethical, and professional manner. The American Counselling Association (ACA) approved a list of skills that counselors need to have to administer exams and provide counseling. Effective assessment activities.

The part of the testing process that typically provides the most flexibility is the interpretation of test results. The length of the test manual recommendations and the counselor’s theoretical point of view will determine how extensive and overtly theory-based the interpretation will be (Tinsley & Bradley, 1986). The readings included in this article are relevant to the discussion on the importance of the use of assessment in counseling. Since the design seemed to be documentary analysis in nature, there is no question about the data presented, because the studies conducted are data-driven and participatory. Sample size, sampling methods, and the relationship between them are crucial issues in sampling.  Probability theory, measures of central tendency, multi-modal data, and skewed data are the absolute minimum. Establishing a correlation between two sets of scores; determining a regression equation; the correlation counterparts for grades, ages, and curves. a working understanding of correlation and prediction. Counseling plays s vital role in the pursuit of a better future. One needs to be mentally well to come up with sound decisions on what to do in times of uncertainty. That is why, assessment is very important so that a data-driven, and needs-based intervention could be offered to address needs-based issues and concerns.