Congw. Vanvan Aumentado to Bohol media: “Be truthful”


“BE TRUTHFUL” was the Christmas message of Congresswoman Vanessa C. Aumentado (2nd district, Bohol) to the Bohol media.

Congw. Aumentado issued the reminder during the Christmas party for the media held at the Shang Palace resto, Tagbilaran City with the presence of her husband, Governor Aris Aumentado, provincial Board Member Atty. Jamie Aumentado Villamor and her husband, Atty. Vince.

She said in her short speech that media plays a vital role in dissemination of accurate and truthful information to the public.

She stressed that media not only play an important role, but they’re partners with the government in public service.

BM Villamor shared Vanvan Aumentado’s opinion that media are partners in public service.

Governor Aumentado also pointed out that the media should also consider reporting good news as there are a lot of good news so the people may know.

The Aumentado’s distributed Christmas gifts to the media after the lunch.

Veteran broadcaster Bob Galero hosted the program attended by the various media outfits of the city and far-flung towns.

Meanwhile, Congresswoman Aumentado announced in her fb post her legislative accomplishments at the House of Representatives (HoR).

She said that House Bill 5415- Establishment of Northern Bohol Special Economic Zone Authority in the Municipalities of Ubay, Talibon, Buenavista and Getafe, Bohol has been approved in the committee level.

The Establishment of National Citizens Service Training Program (NCSTP) for students in all public and private universities, colleges and similar learning institutions is also approved on its third reading. She is one of the authors of the said bill. (rvo)