Batuki ang kapobrehon!

TO Short Cuts, poverty is one’s own making. It is not pre destined. Neither is it influenced by other people. Nor is it the desire of the Heavenly parents.
Even if one’s biological parents were denied with all the wonders in their lives, their kids are not expected to follow the path that they trod.
And vice-versa, even how rich the parents are, NOT all of their kids are expected to be rich in their respective individual lives.
Therefore, simply said, the individual attitude of everyone in addressing the problems encountered by him in his daily activity, greatly determines his future.
If one is honest, diligent, industrious, and hardworking in facing the various odds encountered in life, he is ascertained of a bright future.
Most of all, one must be prayerful. He must always seek the heavenly guidance. For in Him, nothing is impossible.
To be satisfied and unworried of one’s status in life – even how lowly — is a silent admission of his ignorance of the existence and his total departure from his Heavenly Father.
One must not surrender! He must fight!
And, winning the game must be the ultimate goal.
BATUKI ang KAPOBREHON! Let this be everyone’s battle cry.
The fear of losing a game in one’s life should not be entertained in one’s fight for a better life.
Instead, treat your “KAPOBREHON” as the source of inspiration. BATUKI siya if only to enjoy a bright future. And, to have a successful family, this battle cry must be resounding enough to be heard by every family in the poorest barangays.
Everybody knows that we were all born equal. No one was born affluent or deprived of abundance.
This fact can never be denied: ‘Everyone of us was born naked’.
Even the sons and daughters of billionaires and those of the royal families were undressed when they came to earth.
So, if the foregoing statements are the naked truth, why are there rich and affluent families in our midst?
And, why are there poor and impoverished families?
If such is the case, is our Heavenly Father doing the PABOR PABOR?
Definitely, NO. This is Short Cuts’ sharp observation.
Honesty, hard work, and prayers are — to Short Cuts mind — the guiding virtues that are requisites in achieving a financially healthy family.

Short Cuts was saddened to know of the passing of a very close friend to the Great Beyond. The late Clemencia Torralbe-Bongcac was not only Short Cuts’ personal friend when he was on his law practice in the late 70’s. The family of the late Panfilo and Clemencia Bongcac and Short Cuts’ family even became closer in the mid 80’s. The late Panfilo Bongcac was Short Cuts’ coach in his BIT International College Basketball Team that played for almost 11 years at the then famous Cebu Amateur Athletic Association. To Pare Pilo and Mare Clem, may you two rest in peace!