Values and Discipline Must Begin at Home

ACCORDING to Cambridge Dictionary ( September 25, 2022 ), values mean the principles that help a person decide what is right and wrong, and how to act in various situations. On the other hand, discipline means the training that makes people more willing to obey or more able to control themselves, often in the form of rules and punishments if these are broken or the behavior produced by this training.

Values reflect our sense of right and wrong. They help us grow and develop. They help us create the future we want. The decisions we make every day are a reflection of our values. We learn most of our values from our parents and extended families. Our family values stem from our social and cultural values. Sometimes new life experiences may change values we previously held ( Values in Today’s Society, September 25, 2022 ).

Values help us live with direction and purpose- like a guiding compass. Whatever is going on in our lives, our values can show us a path forward, and help us make better choices. Values are also intimately linked to our sense of self, and they are essential for our mental health ( What are values and why are they important?, September 25, 2022).

Discipline provides people with rules to live their lives efficiently and effectively. When you have discipline in your life, you can make small sacrifices in the present for a better life in the future. Discipline creates habits, habits make routines, and routines become who you are daily. The great mental conditioning coach Brian Cain states, “Today + Today + Today = Your Life”. The habits and daily disciplines you create will eventually determine who you become ( The Importance of Discipline, September 25, 2022 ).

The single most important attribute to becoming successful is self-discipline. It helps you to stay focused on reaching your goals, gives you the gumption to stick with difficult tasks, and allows you to overcome obstacles and discomfort as you push yourself to new heights ( Self-Discipline is a Key to Success, September 25, 2022 ).

The values and discipline of every individual must start at home. Parents or guardians must put in their hearts and minds that it is their responsibility to teach their children good manners and right conduct as well as the virtue of self-discipline. Parents and guardians must develop their children to become responsible citizens of our country starting in their respective homes. Educating every individual must start at home. It is because the parents and guardians are the first teachers of every child, and they must also develop the character of the child. Parents and guardians must inspire their children to become good people by possessing values and discipline.

Parents must be involved in developing the values and discipline of their children at home as early as possible. Parental involvement in developing values and discipline in their children at home is effective in making their children responsible citizens in the community where they live in. It will also make their children improve their academic performance in school, as well as their relationship with other students and teachers in school. They will become a good student in school and a good individual in the community where they live in.

Teaching children values and discipline at an early age and home will surely build a child’s character. It will form the core of their being and will become the foundation of their moral beliefs as an individual. That is why it is essential to begin teaching children moral values while they are still young. Disciplining a child also means teaching the child responsible behavior and self-control. With appropriate discipline, children will learn about the consequences as well as take responsibility for their actions. So, parents and guardians must teach their children values and discipline in their respective homes. If children are taught values and discipline at home, they will become responsible citizens of the country and will become an asset to their own families.