When You Are Drunk, Do Not Drive

LATELY, I have seen on television and social media, that a couple of vehicular accidents are caused by drunk drivers. The drivers are under the influence of alcohol making them not fit to drive properly and eventually resulting in some vehicular accidents.

Drinking and driving also called driving under the influence of alcohol, involves operating a vehicle with a blood alcohol content of at least 0.08%. Getting behind the wheel after having even just a few drinks can prove to be dangerous to drivers, pedestrians, and other drivers. If someone drives drunk and survives a crash that injures or kills other people, they must live with the consequences. That emotional burden can be worse than any bodily harm. But the physical perils of drunk driving are immense too. Impaired driving can cause accidents that lead to paralysis, disfigurement, brain damage, and even death. Impaired driving is also a crime. Drunk drivers often pay significant fines, lose their licenses and face higher insurance costs. Alcohol’s sedating effects impair a driver’s decision-making skills and coordination. An impaired driver cannot quickly and decisively avoid an accident or even perform routine driving maneuvers. Drunk drivers endanger themselves and everyone on the road, increasing the risk of automobile crashes and deaths ( Drunk Driving: The Dangers of Alcohol-Addiction, July 22, 2022 ).

Republic Act No. 10586 which is all about “An Act Penalizing Persons Driving Under The Influence Of Alcohol, Dangerous Drugs, And Similar Substances, And For Other Purposes”, also known as the “Anti-Drunk and Drugged Driving Act of 2013”, clearly discusses drunk and drugged driving and its implications, effects, consequences and among others. Some of the possible consequences if the driver is driving under the influence of alcohol and dangerous drugs are the following: imprisonment for three months or more, a monetary fine or penalty which involves a big amount of money, and also the confiscation and suspension of the driver’s driving license. So, every driver must not drive their respective vehicles if they are under the influence of alcohol and others. It is because driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs is really dangerous and fatal, aside from the fact that the penalties stated in Republic Act Number 10586 are not that light and simple.

Yes, driving under the influence of alcohol is dangerous and fatal. It is because the driver cannot anymore drive properly, and cannot concentrate on driving because of the alcohol. The drunk and drugged driver cannot only damage his or her car or property but also the property of others, including the cars or properties of others and the properties of the government like those things or properties placed on the streets or highways. And the worst-case scenario is, that the drunk and drugged driver cannot only kill themselves but can also kill other drivers or pedestrians. Drunk and drugged driving is really dangerous and fatal, it can kill some individuals.

So, every driver must put in their mind and heart that drunk driving is not good. It can dangerous and fatal. They must not drive their vehicle if they are drunk. They must be thinking of their safety and the safety of other drivers and pedestrians. If they are under the influence of alcohol, they must not drive their vehicle. It is absolutely dangerous and fatal to drive their vehicles if they are drunk or under the influence of alcohol. They should remember that drunk driving is dangerous and can kill him or them.

The best thing that drivers must do if they are drunk is not to drive their vehicle, but to take a rest and sleep. They need to take rest or sleep so that they can recover from being drunk. They must only drive if they are not under the influence. If they love themselves and their loved ones, they must not drive if they are under the influence of alcohol. They should remember that when they drive under the influence of alcohol cannot give them some benefits instead it can just give them some problems in the end. So, they should not drive if they are under the influence of alcohol. They must always remember that when they are drunk, they must not drive to be safe and not to acquire some problems caused by drunk driving.