The Value of Listening

LISTENING is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process. Listening is the key to all effective communication. Without the ability to listen effectively, messages are easily misunderstood. As a result, communication breaks down and the sender of the message can easily become frustrated or irritated. If there is one communication skill you should aim to master, then listening is it (Listening Skills, July 19, 2022).
According to Marvin Gottlieb (July 19, 2022), there are four elements of good listening: attention which is the focused perception of both visual and verbal stimuli, hearing which is the physiological act of opening the gates to your ears, understanding which is the assigning of meaning to the messages received and remembering which is the storing of meaningful information. He also cites four levels of listening. These are acknowledging, sympathizing, paraphrasing, and empathizing. The four levels of listening range from passive to interactive when considered separately. However, the most effective listeners can project all four levels at the same time. That means they show they are paying attention, they show interest and they convey they are working to understand the speaker’s message.
Listening is really important. It is an important part or component of communication. If an individual does not know how to listen properly, it can cause some misunderstandings between the speaker of the message and the receiver of the message. So, everyone must practice and develop their skill in listening since it is important, especially when we communicate on a daily basis. We must pay attention properly and listen attentively to the source of the message or information so that we can comprehend the message.
If an individual knows how to listen attentively, it benefits both the receiver and speaker. It can help a person to absorb the message of the speaker properly. In listening attentively and absorbing the message properly, socializing with other people is easy. Listening can also help in building good relationships among people. It is because everyone feels valued since they are listened to. It can also improve the problem-solving skills, as well as the critical thinking skills of everyone.
Listening has been one of the key methods of learning for a very long time. Beyond education, listening helps people understand others better, builds trust, and also makes other people feel important. It is one of the key skills that can make or break a situation. Listening helps everyone becomes more aware of their surroundings. If we hear our pet barking aggressively, that would probably mean there is danger nearby. If you hear someone scream, that person probably needs help. The process of active listening plays a huge role in understanding a person’s wants and needs. It also helps us understand how we can make people feel more satisfied. You can even tell if a person likes or dislikes something by how they speak over a phone call ( Why is Listening so Important? Here are some reasons why, July 20, 2022 ).
Let us put in our minds and hearts the real importance or value of listening. If we listen to others, it can result in something good. There will be no conflict and misunderstanding between or among people. Listening is valuable since if we know how to listen properly, it can help us to create a better place to live in and create a good relationship with other people around us. So, let us open our ears and listen attentively to the message or information from the speaker. Lastly, let us remember that it is not hearing that improves life, but listening. Let us open our ears and listen properly.