It’s a Matter of Not Giving Up in the New Normal

“In DepEd Bohol, we care for all,” is the famous quote by SDO Bohol Schools Division Superintendent, Dr. BIanito A. Dagatan. True to these words, SDO Bohol’s top management provided activities that ensure equal chances of participation among teachers and school administrators.  Teaching and non-teaching personnel are actively engaged themselves with curricular and co-curricular activities offered.

     Visayas Girl Scouts of the Philippines (GSP)conducted a virtual symposium attended by GSP Troop Leaders and Girls, with Nerissa Linell Joe Tago Club, EdD, Ph.D., former Cebu DepEd Superintendent, now serving as Education Administrator IV, New York City Department of Education, Founder-CEO, Pathways Education Consultancy. She empathized that GRIT is vital because it is a driver of achievement and success, independent of and beyond what talent and intelligence contribute. Being naturally smart and talented is excellent, but to truly thrive, we need the ability to persevere.      The symposium started with a doxology and the Philippine National Anthem singing through a video presentation. A welcome remark was provided by Dr. Fe Violeta B. Taring, 1st Vice President, Girl Scouts of the Philippines. The resource speaker was introduced by Cadet Girl Scout Cearlovey D. Granali, GSP Visayas Region Girl Representative to the Central Board. The virtual activity started at precisely 1: 00 o’clock in the afternoon.

As presented by Dr. Linell, practicing the concepts of GRIT (“Growth is about how likely to go seek fresh ideas, perspective inputs, and ideas to help one succeed of that thing”; “Resilience is about bouncing back from adversity and being able to use adversity”; “Instinct is about going bout after one’s goals the best way, not the hardest way”; and “Tenacity is that perseverance, persistence, never say die, never say quit dimension of grit”. “Why do we always dwell on bygones?” is a question that encourages the participants’ active participation by responding to the chat box. The online participants sent several responses. A “time to reflect” was also offered. According to Dr. Linell, “grit is the stubborn refusal to quit, for it is the power of passion, and perseverance to achieve goals, ambitions, and aspirations in life.”  She emphasized that grit is a positive trait based on passion and perseverance.

And motivation. She included in her discussion the famous quote by Brian Tracy, which states that “all successful people are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work e every day toward their distant vision, that goal, or purpose.

     Dr. Linell shared some crucial considerations that led to her success in life: (1) “find something that you like,” (2) “find your purpose,” (3) “adopt a growth mindset,” (4) “hangout with gritty people,” and (5) “practice mindfulness.” Then, “believe in yourself. She shared her life’s experiences and how she was recognized with a Golden Jubilee Young Achiever’s Award last March 25, 1990, awarded in Manila, Philippines. She founded the following: Pathways – an Educational Consultancy in Nurturing and Optimizing Potentials; Project SAVE – Students’ Alliance in Valuing Earth, Educators without Borders-for youth empowerment, My Health My Wealth, and Today’s Reader – Tomorrow’s Leader.    The symposium ended at 3:00 in the afternoon with the closing remarks of former GSP Visayas Region Executive Director, Mrs. Aida C. Saromines.