Online/Video Games Addiction

THE term addiction means a compulsive, chronic, physiological, or psychological need for a habit-forming substance, behavior, or activity having harmful physical, psychological, or social effects and typically causing well-defined symptoms such as anxiety, irritability, tremors or nausea upon withdrawal or abstinence; the state of being addicted; a strong inclination to do, use or indulge in something repeatedly (Merriam-Webster Dictionary).

Addiction is an urge to do something hard to control or stop. If you use cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs like marijuana, cocaine, and heroin, you could become addicted to them. They can hurt you and could even kill you (Word! Addiction).

Aside from drug addiction, alcohol addiction, and cigarette addiction, we also have the so-called online/video games addiction. This is a type of addiction wherein an individual is addicted to the different kinds of online/video games. These individuals are thinking about gaming all of the time or most of the time. They are feeling bad when they cannot play. They need to spend more and more time playing to feel good. They cannot quit or even play fewer online/video games. They do not want to do other things that they used to do. They are having problems at work, school, or at home because of their gaming.

Online/Video Games Addiction is not good for anybody. It is not giving a person good effects or benefits. It is only giving a person plenty of bad or negative effects such as negative effects on one’s physical, emotional, spiritual, mental, and social aspects. Playing online/video games is not that bad. But if you play online/video games too much, it can result in plenty of negative effects. It can cause some illnesses to the person who is addicted to it. It can affect one’s vital organs of his or her body like his or her eyes, heart, brain, and other body parts. His or her emotional aspect can also be affected. It can increase anxiety and depression. Studies show that persons addicted to online/video games have a high heartbeat and blood pressure due to too much excitement and stress. The spiritual aspect of a person can also be affected by playing too many online/video games. It is because the person will be spending most of his or her time playing online/video games instead of attending mass or praying the rosary or even spending time with the Lord. One’s mental health can also be affected by playing online/video games too much. It is because it may cause stress, anxiety, and depression to the person. The social aspect of an individual can also be affected because the person will be spending his or her time playing online/video games, instead of spending his or her time with other individuals. Instead of spending their time with their significant others, they are just playing online/video games most of their time.

Some of the emotional signs or symptoms of online/video games addiction include feelings of restlessness and irritability when unable to play, preoccupation with thoughts of previous online activity or anticipation of the next online session, lying to friends or family members regarding the amount of time spent playing (Video Game Addiction Symptoms, Causes and Effects).

Further research shows that gaming disorders can also be linked with anxiety, depression, obesity, sleeping disorders, and stress. People who remain physically inactive for long periods because of gaming may also be at higher risk of obesity, sleep disorders, and other health-related issues, according to the World Health Organization ( Gaming Disorder and Effects of Gaming on Health: An Overview, July 8, 2022 ).

The results of most studies show that addiction to computer games affects various dimensions of health and increases physical problems, anxiety, and depression while decreasing social functioning disorders (Effect of Addiction to Computer Games on Physical and Mental Health).

Let us help one another to avoid online/video game addiction, especially for our youths. Parents and guardians must always remind their children not to engage most of their time in playing online/video games. They can play those games but they should set limitations for them not to be addicted to online/video games. Teachers and other educational leaders must also implement some projects and programs that will develop the talents and skills of the youths, instead of spending their time playing online/video games. Government officials must also implement some projects and programs like sports activities so that the youths will not become addicted to online/video games.

Playing online/video games can also give the players some benefits. Playing online games can help players develop complex problem-solving skills, leadership skills, and the ability to deal better with unexpected consequences. They also enhance the player’s skills of observation, and intuitive abilities and hone their alertness and concentration (How Online Gaming Can Increase Your Productivity


Let us put in our hearts and minds that playing online/video games must be done moderately. It is because if you play online/video games, it can make you addicted to them. If you become addicted to those games, it will give you plenty of negative effects such as those mentioned above. So, always remember to play online/video games moderately. Also remember, everything which is done in excess can be damaging to an individual.