PRDP projects forthcoming for Bohol’s agro-industry

GOOD INVESTMENT. By putting up 10% counterpart funds, Bohol’s local resources would be extended as the PRDP funds for other provinces in the region is set to be funding Bohol agro development projects, says Atty John Vistal (extreme right). Atty Vistal, Atty Handel Laguna and Ana Loinda Saluan met the press for Capitol Reports last Friday. (rahc/PIA-7/Bohol)

THANKS to what other local government units’ perceived tough documentary requirements for the possible availment of a grant for provinces for agro-industrial development, Bohol now tends to get some more funds for its priority projects.
And the good thing is that this window of opportunity opening, fits into the development agenda of the new Capitol Administration, Provincial Planning and Development Officer Atty. John Titus Vistal said, during the first episode of the Capitol Reports.
A weekly press conference set every Friday, Capitol Reports allow the Capitol to update the media and the Boholanos on the most recent developments and track the accomplishments of the local administration.
Although already a recipient of Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP)-funded projects in agriculture, there are still more coming for Bohol, announced Atty Vistal, who sat with Capitol spokesperson Atty. Handel Lagunay and Sandugo Festival 2022 interim coordinator Ana Loinda Saluan.
PRDP is a six-year project lodged at the Department of Agriculture, and is designed to establish the government platform for a modern, climate-smart and market-oriented agri-fishery sector towards inclusive growth through broad-based agro-industrial development.
Partnering with LGUs and the private sector, PRDP provides key infrastructure, facilities, technology, and information that will raise incomes, productivity, and competitiveness in the countryside, thus attain its objectives for the six year project term.
The project in general targets to increase annual real farm incomes of PRDP in household beneficiaries, create and develop enterprises for beneficiaries, increase annual marketed output and increased access of farmers and fishers to DA services.
Contracted as a national government loan for the DA, PRDP is granted to fund LGU projects with a minimal 10% leverage fund which forms as the LGU counterpart, explained the development planning officer.
As it turns out, there are provinces in Region 7 which have deactivated their PRDP management offices, we can get these resources from them, Atty Vistal said.
Implemented in the value chain analysis approach, projects to be funded under the PRDP are those which assures agricultural connectivity, meaning enabling farmers and fishers to sell their products to accessible markets, and in turn, improve on their economic status.
Basically, PRDP projects are those that reduce poverty.
In Bohol, PRDP has funded three water desalination projects, implemented in the islands off Talibon and Bien Unido, the government official said.
But expect more forthcoming projects, he assured. (rahc/PIA-7/Bohol)