IN WHAT could be among his last official acts, outgoing Bohol governor Arthur Yap issued an executive order creating a planning committee on disaster and risk reduction management in health (DRRM-H).
Basing his move on the provisions of Republic Acts No. 10121, 11223 and 11292 as well as the Department of Interior and Local Government’s memorandum enjoining for support to the Department of Health in the provision of technical assistance to all key stakeholders in the implementation of the DRRM-H strategies, the governor also considered the institutionalization of DRRM-H in the local health care system, to effectively address the health needs of populations in emergencies and disasters, conflicts, epidemics and pandemics.
The executive order intends that the new planning committee would be the ones to develop, review and update previous plans, gather required information and source commitment of key people and organization, initiate plan testing for functionality and adaptability to the current situation, develop annual operational plans on health emergencies and monitor and evaluate the plans.
The new committee, which shall be composed of the governor as chair and the Provincial Health Officers as Vice Chair, would be having 21 members.
These include the SP Committee on Health Chair, Provincial Health Officers, supervising nurses’ programs coordinator, sanitation engineer, Prov’l Nutrition Program Coordinator, Mental Health Program Coordinator, HEPO Program Coordinator, Budget Officer, Planning and Development Coordinator, General Services Officer, DRRM Officer, Provincial PNPO Chief, Human resources management and development officer, provincial engineer, social welfare and development, schools division superintendent, public information head, DOH Department Manager, PHODO coordinator and the DILG.
The governor signed the new Executive Order No. 20, series of 2022, last April 25, 2022. (rahc/PIA-7/Bohol)