Comelec asked to check gov’t funds use for polls

THE alleged use of public or government funds for election or in aid of re-election this May 9, 2022 of certain local officials during the campaign period has been reported.

This prompted the camp of gubernatorial candidate Aris Aumentado to ask the Commission on Elections (Comelec) to check the report.

Aumentado’s Lawyer Handel Lagunay, in his letter, urged Comelec regional director Atty. Dennis Auson to act on the report that the release of calamity aid to beneficiaries with the presence of candidates was done with string attached.

“It is reported that when the aids were released the beneficiaries were made to commit to vote for them,” Lagunay said.

He said this act goes against the law, citing section 261 of the Omnibus Election Code that prohibits the release, disbursement or expenditures of public funds.

“No candidate or his/her spouse or members of his/her family within 2nd civil degree of affinity or consanguinity shall participate, directly or indirectly, in the distribution of any relief or other goods to the victims of the calamity or disaster.”

The release of financial aid from Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) shall be turned over and administered and disbursed by the Philippine Red Cross under the supervision of the Commission on Audit (COA).

The release of financial aid from the government by certain candidate can be interpreted as in aid of reelection, Lagunay said.

Lagunay cited the towns of Ubay and Loboc where “certain individuals who claimed to be paid by Capitol were going house to house asking people to sign a payroll with promise that they will be paid after elections.”

In barangay Guintaboan, Ubay town, the barangay captain bared that persons identified with the Blue Team, referring to Governor Arthur Yap’s camp, alleged that they urged residents to sign a “job order” but no corresponding cash given in the amount of P4,080.00.

The said activity was not coursed thru the barangay since the captain refused to accept it, the report said.

The captain said that after the signing of the said “job order” the leaders of the Blue team allegedly gave sample ballots with the names of Ubay mayoralty bet and that of provincial candidates.

The said leaders of the Blue Team were identified as Melvin Suan and Neneng Suan, who are relatives, the barangay captain said.

The barangay captain said that she learned that similar activity/campaign was made in the barangays of Ilihan, Benliw and Imelda, all of Ubay, Bohol.

The TIMES tried to contact the governor but no answer yet from him as of this writing. (rvo)