CHRISTMAS season is here again!
These days, not only households, offices, and dwellings are exhibiting decorations that depict the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, our Saviour. Even Barangay and Municipal roads seem to join a contest in a decoration. Not to be outdone, National Highways throughout the provinces in the entire country are equally adorned with decorations.
But what are these decorations for?
Are the heartbeats of the person preparing the Christmas decoration equally the same as the one who ordinarily decorates an office or an ordinary household?
And let’s go to an ordinary observer. . . .
Are the feelings of one who observes a Christmas decoration equally enjoys the same feelings after observing an ordinary decoration other than a Christmas decoration on a household?
To Short Cuts, definitely, NOT!
For an ordinary decoration on a street or town plaza during a fiesta celebration, one can only admire as a beautifully decorated portion of the local government unit.
“Wow, what a beautiful decoration”, one could just exclaim in silence.
But a Christmas decoration has a feeling of joy and happiness that can never be described. A sense of Heavenly contentment!
Yet, in some instances, they refer to the same decorations but set for the two occasions.
So, what is in Christmas for one to rejoice in celebrating?
The birth of Jesus Christ, our Saviour, is the primordial reason. For He is not only the source of everything. He is the Everything for every living creature. Nothing and no one exists without Him.
Short Cuts and everybody in this universe owe everything from Him.
So, as we celebrate Christmas this year, we must always remember that for three times Joseph and Virgin Mary were denied entry to the homes of affluent families. The couple had to take a rest from a long journey, and if only for Virgin Mary to give birth to our dear Jesus Christ.
As a consequence, therefore, Jesus Christ, was born in a manger. He was not born inside a first-class hotel, neither inside a clinic.
And having been born in a manger, his birth was filled with utmost humility and kindness. This way Jesus Christ teaches us the norm of conduct one has to undertake in one’s path to traverse.
This virtue of humility and kindness must be paramount in one’s journey in life. Utmost, the feeling of Christmas must not be limited only to carols, gift giving and merry making.
Feeling of joy for the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, must always prevail.
And, with the coming of a New Year, let us greet each one of us the feeling of love and joy not only for a day or two but for the years He promised us to live.
Selfishness should not play a role in one’s life. Instead, sharing in everything that one has, must always be in one’s heart and mind.
And in this season, make giving a way of receiving, and make receiving a virtue to give.
To one and all, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!