A CHILD is a heavenly gift given to a new couple!
No man and woman enjoy their eternal companionship as husband and wife in the absence of a newly born son or daughter. That’s one of the major reasons why a couple not blessed even with a single child opts to spend money in order to have a child.
They spend sizeable amount of money in order to have a child to be called as their own.
They adopt a child!
And adopting a child entails much amount of money. One cannot adopt a child without the assistance of a lawyer.
But who are these parents of the soon-to-be-adopted child that can easily be convinced of their child to be adopted?
Maybe from a close relative, it can be done without money involved. But from a non-relative, definitely it is very hard.
Adopted or not, children expect utmost care from their respective parents, most especially if they are still in their pre-school age. They need to be given extra attention by their parents in their formative years even if they are only adopted.
But, is the extra attention and care given to a child warrant the bringing of the child to a workplace of the adopting parents?
Simply put, is it morally and legally advisable for an adopting parent to bring the adopted child to the office where he or she is employed?
To Short Cuts, definitely NO!
This has been Short Cuts’ firsthand observation during his long years of service both in government and private service.
Married women usually bring their child to the office where they work!
In such a case, what performance is expected of this employee?
If ever there is, what degree of performance can this employee achieve with a child taken along with her in the workplace?
To Short Cuts, NO degree of performance can be expected of this type of employee. She deserves not to be employed.
And the worse scenario?
She must be dismissed from the service!