4Ps touches lives 100% in provinces

TOUCHING LIVES.  Municipal mayors Elvi Relampagos of Loon, Wilson Pajo of Pilar, Onjie Grace Lim of Mabini and Atty. Lahar Ayuban of Loay during the 4P MOA signing. (rvo)

THE Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, also known as 4Ps, has touched 100% the lives in the country’s provinces and 99% in cities and municipalities, or a total of seven million households, National Program Manager Director Gemma B. Gabuya, the keynote speaker of the LCE Consultation Dialogue held at the Bohol Tropics July 5, 2024, said.

In Bohol, there are 63,988 active beneficiaries and 178,894 children being monitored, part of the 428,699 households in Central Visayas.

She said that the program is not a dole-out but a complementary service, investing in human capital and providing conditional cash assistance to support the children’s education, health and nutritional needs with the support of the local government units.

On human capital investment, the program boasts of its success since 2010 with 11.4 million children assisted to graduate in elementary schools.

Three point two million (3.2) kids were able to finish high school and 32,556 in college, 6,394 passed in board exams with 49 of them in top ranks, data showed.

The program produced latin honors; 82 magna cum laude, 1,135 cum laude and 132 special distinctions.

In Bohol, a total of 28,561 have exited from the program due to self-sufficient household transitioned and endorsed to LGU and having no more 0-18 year-old children.

The level of well-being of the beneficiaries are the following: 12,665 as self-sufficient; 43,641 in subsistence; and 7 in survival.

Fifteen thousand two hundred twenty-two (15,222) children graduated from elementary; 13,409 in high school; and 10,027 from college. It also hired 96 teachers, 495 pantawid board passers and 1,187 exemplary pantawid graduates.

It cited Carla Mae Telmo, 2nd runner-up in Miss Bohol Universe and Richiel Mae Galvadores, also a Miss Universe Bohol candidate and 1st runner-up in Bahandi Hara Candijay 2024, as program recipients.

There are 72,571 households being provided with conditional cash transfer.

The allocation for 4Ps in the province totaled P1.4 billion for: education – P488.75 million; health – 498.02 million; and rice allowance – P414.45 million. 

The LGU showed support with 36 issued executive orders, 33 municipal ordinances and 24 resolutions.

Municipal mayors Elvi Relampagos of Loon, Wilson Pajo of Pilar, Onjie Grace Lim of Mabini and Atty. Lahar Ayuban of Loay and DSWD Regional Director Shalaine Lucero, Guindulman’s Ben Balo, Getafe’s Cary Camacho, Dimiao’s Randolph Ang and Sevilla’s Juliet Dano signed the Memorandum of Agreement in the furtherance of 4Ps program in their respective turfs.

The 4Ps cited the best practices in the 4Ps implementation by municipalities.

The town of Pilar represented and demonstrated by Mayor Wilson Pajo on the improved level of well-being; Mayor Atty. Hilario Ayuban of Loay on the Joint Memorandum circular implementation; Acting Mayor V-Mayor Zenisa Bulalaque of Batuan on family development session implementation; Mayor Elvi Relampagos of Loon on convergence practices; Mayor Raymond Jala of Loboc (via virtual) on convergence practices; and Mayor Cary Camacho of Getafe on grievance redress system initiative.

There were also municipal mayors and representatives who attended during the dialogue during which they were given a chance in open forum. (rvo)