. . . .  tilling the soil is life itself.

HAVE you ever tasted the sweetness of a watermelon for the past few dry months of the year?

It is a fact that watermelons are now plenty in the market in the province. They are not only sold in public markets and block tiendas, but even at the roadsides plenty are already being displayed.

Before, these items were luxury in the Boholano dining tables.  But now watermelons are very ordinary to speak of it as a menu.

And, thanks to the industry and hard work of our brother Boholanos!

Even under the biting heat of the sun in every Summer, these rice farmers transform their respective rice paddies into watermelon farms.

Such is the case of farmers from Barangay Luyo, Municipality of Dimiao and from Barangays Lomanoy and Tiguis, of the Municipality of Lila. Their respective rice paddies were planted with various varieties of rice during rice planting seasons.

But during summer months, these farms are with watermelons.

As informed by the farmers themselves to Short Cuts, the planting of watermelons in their farms did not happen only a year or two ago. Accordingly, they had been to it for almost two decades already.

These initiatives from the farmers are not only giving financial benefits to their respective families. It further showcased how industrious they are and caring for their Mother Nature. Foremost, they are giving good and efficient examples to our brother Boholanos that tilling the soil is life itself.

They will ultimately become the true descendants of Dagohoy.

To our brother farmers from Tiguis and Lomanoy of Lila and that from Luyo of Dimiao, CONGRATULATIONS! May your tribe increase and fill the province to its brim.

With your heartfelt devotion in the cultivation of our land, no more Boholano could ever experience a rice-less dining table in the days to come!