CORRUPTION, pure and simple

IS S.O.P. legal?

But, what is S.O.P.?

“Standard Operating Procedure”. That’s what Short Cuts had been hearing decades ago.

However, he earnestly hopes that this is the real meaning of the abbreviation.

This particular acronym deserves more understanding and inner contemplation, especially those in public office. Ordinary Filipinos as well are urged to be more conscious and well-informed of this three-letter abbreviation.

This is Isort of a reminder considering that the process of selection for the next elected public officials to govern the country, the province and the different local government units is already a month from now.

Back to the issue . . . . . what is S.O.P.? Accordingly, it is a cut from the budget of a certain government project. Meaning, a percentage of the total cost of the project is being slashed. And information reveals that this slashed amount, usually 10%, goes to the _________.

Short Cuts refuses to discuss on the identity of these government officials because[U1]  every Boholano, Short Cuts firmly believes, is already knowledgeable about this. The issue is discussed almost daily over the air lanes.          

Is S.O.P. legal?

Scrutinizing the abbreviation . . . . It is already a procedure and had been already considered a STANDARD. So, if it is a PROCEDURE, a process had already been undergone. And because of such long process, the act becomes STANDARD.         

Considering that the act is already a STANDARD and had been operating as a PROCEDURE, what law was ever enacted to make it legal? And, what chamber of our national lawmaking body initiated such move?

Did it originate from Congress of the Philippines? Or, from the Senate of the Philippines?

To Short Cuts’ “coconut shell”, neither of the legislative bodies in the country ever legalized the act.

In the absence of any law legalizing the act, it is, therefore,  CORRUPTION, pure and simple!        

It has just transformed into a CULTURE. After it had undergone years of being practiced by elected officials and with the willing  cooperation emanating from very accommodating government employees, the act becomes a culture.

So, the next query . . . . . Is the culture on STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE legal?

Again, such culture is forever bereft of any legal foothold!

Take the case of a certain project that Short Cuts earnestly requested the national office of the Department of Public Works and Highway. This is for the concreting of the provincial road from barangays Poblacion Occidental, Cansibao to Omjon and from Omjon (Valencia) to Barangay La Paz of Carmen Bohol.

As the then incumbent Vice-Governor of the province, he personally requested personnel from the Third Engineering office of the Department of Public Works and Highways to prepare the plans and specifications of the project and its proper recommendation to the regional and national offices.

Short Cuts personally went to the regional office of the department at Cebu City. And after getting the required recommendatory signatures from the regional office, he proceeded to the national office.

True indeed, Short Cuts was able to get the nod of the said project from the national office.

The total cost of the project?

It was a hefty P250 million project!

Was the project completed as to the number of kilometers  mandated in the Program of Work of the project?

Definitely, NOT!

ONLY THE TOTAL EXPENDITURE OF THE BUDGET of P250M was completed – all spent –  but NOT the concreting!

Ngano man?

The completed portion did not even reach Barangay Omjon of Valencia.

Worse, it never touched a single meter of concreting in the barangay of LGU Carmen.  

What could have been the reason or cause of the shortage or deficiency in the number of kilometers to be concreted?

Short Cuts was told . . . . . S.O.P.  kuno! And, how much is 10%  of the P250 million project? Such a big amount to think of.

And definitely, who got the S.O.P.

It is, indeed, a guessing game!              

Additional information reveals that the winning bidder of the project is a local contractor.

Therefore, if ever an investigation is to be conducted, is the local contractor equipped with enough courage to reveal the S.O.P. recipient of the project?   

Short Cuts thinks the opposite.

So, how can S.O.P. and CORRUPTION be STOPPED?

This query is very timely item to be implemented.

Because a month from now all Boholanos will select their next political leaders, then this is Short Cuts’ reminder – DO NOT VOTE for  these CORRUPT officials.

Just receive the cash from these corrupt politicians. Anyway the

cash comes from the S.O.P.

But your vote? To the honest candidates!
