WE cannot journey towards the road of change if there is no shift in mindset.
Mindset is a forward thinking approach of processing change from a different perspective. It is an attitude towards openness to change and the ability to see the opportunity in change; the process of diverting one’s scattered forces into one powerful channel. As the cliché says, “No great improvements in the lot of mankind are possible until a great change takes place in the fundamental constitution of their modes of thought”.
The most effective and successful people in today’s dynamic world are those who have already discovered the key to renewal – creating a major shift in their mindsets from one that keeps them stuck in boxes to one that naturally searches for new innovative solutions in its quest of excellence and success.
For a person to embark on the journey of change, he must move beyond the natural resistance-to-change mode and move toward the highly focused, strategic, productive, empowered mindset of creative thinking. This shifting of the mindset is the unlocking of energy, creativity, vitality and spirit.
Each of us sees the world from within a number of different paradigms or mindsets. However, our paradigms change, and even our once tightly held controlling perceptions can shift over time. We shift a variety of beliefs numerous times throughout our lives. Yet some paradigms are difficult to change. Many of us are locked into old practices within our own comfort zones.
Continuous renewal can only be achieved by those who are willing to undergo shifts in thinking – to re-examine their mindsets and find ways out of their boxes. Renewal requires that we stop doing things the way we’ve always done them just because that’s how we’ve always done them.
To attain continuous renewal, we must start by celebrating our small successes, then re-clarify and refocus. Continually search for what you could be doing more of, better or differently, to move closer to the objectives – to your noble mission.
By defying them, we will be getting to the heart of positive change.