ON Wednesday, begins the month of May – the 5th month of the year.
To every Boholano, this month can never be forgotten. To Short Cuts, this is the merriest and happiest month of the year.
First, To Short Cuts’ first hand information, this is the only province wherein many Boholanos who had migrated to other places of the country are coming back to this island-province in order to visit their long lost relatives and old, old friends.
They renew acquaintances. They recollect their younger days. And this is the opportune time that siblings are introduced to new families both from the visiting families and the host families.
Secondly, this is the month wherein reunions are usually held. Either class or family reunions, this month of May is the preferred month for such occasions.
Although in the month of December some reunions are also held, it is a fact that more and more reunions are held in the month of May. This could be advanced for a fact that more days and weeks could be utilized in the month of May for the reunion than a limited number of days in December for the same celebration.
In December, there are only two weeks or fourteen days that can be utilized for a reunion. But the whole month of May or thirty days are available for the gathering.
Speaking about reunions, the graduates of the then Valencia High School and now the Valencia Technical-Vocational High School will hold its 7th Grand Alumni Homecoming. With Batch 1999 as its host, the three-day celebration will commence on May 10.
If Short Cuts’ memory serves him right, Valencia High School began as a municipal high school in 1946 with the late Municipal Mayor Eulalio Ucang, Sr. as the founder.
To date, Valencia Technical-Vocational High School had already produced not only thousands of professionals. The same educational institution had listed topnotchers in various government examinations, more specifically in the field of engineering and education.
In this year’s 7th Grand Alumni Homecoming, Class 1958 (the graduating class that Short Cuts belongs) is very sad to know from early news reports gathered from his co-graduates that out of thirty-eight (38) classmates to graduate in 1958, ONLY SIX (6) are left. Thirty-two (32) left ahead of us. To them, our prayers for an eternal life.
The six (6) are: Dr. Guido N. Lim, the proprietor of Dr. LIM’s Hospital at Valencia; Ms. Marietta Corales, a retired Head of the Commerce Department of the then Holy Name College; Mr. Manuelito Pala, a retired faculty member of VISCA; Ms. Susana Idulsa, a retired Public School Teacher in Davao City; Ms. Amadia Gamones, a retired Public School Teacher in Angono, Rizal; and Short Cuts.
To all the participants of this 7th Grand Alumni Homecoming, be a part of this very joyous and memorable celebration.
This year’s celebration is under the leadership of Engr. Victor Bantol.